Worship Services & Gatherings

"...from generation to generation we will proclaim your praise." – Psalm 79:13

The RiverLife family is made up of disciples of Christ across generations and from all walks of life. Together, we are a missional community seeking to express the love of Christ through the way we journey with one another and reach out to those around us.

Sun, 9am | Worship Centre (Level 3)
Onsite and Online via

Our multi-generational adults gather weekly in small groups across Singapore and collectively as the body of Christ for worship on weekends. We have monthly gatherings for various life stages to form deeper friendships and find support as they grow in their faith.


Sat, 10am | Victory Chapel (Level 1)
Sun, 9am | Victory Chapel (Level 1)
*Services conducted in Mandarin.

Our Chinese congregation is an energetic group of both young and old that gather on Saturdays and Sundays. We desire to equip and disciple the Chinese speaking community to know and grow in Christ, and to be salt and light in wherever the Lord has placed us.


Sun, 11.30am | Grace Chapel (Level 1)
Onsite and Online at 

Our Filipino congregation is a vibrant and lively community comprising Filipinos working in Singapore. They find joy in building relationships with one another and reaching out to fellow Filipinos here. We want to be their home away from home – where they can grow deeper in love with Jesus and journey in community.


Sun, 9am | Various Locations
Preschool: Level 2 Classrooms
Pri 1-6: Grace Chapel (Level 1)
2 years old & below: Cradle Roll (Level 2)

Our young ones are gifts from God and we desire to steward their lives well by partnering with parents to build a strong foundation for their faith. The heart of our ministry is to raise a generation who will love the Lord our God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:30). During these crucial developmental years, our children are discipled holistically in various spheres of their lives. They discover who God is, who they are in Christ, why they are created for relationships, and are instilled with Godly values that will help them navigate life in the coming years.

Children (Ages 0-12)

Sat, 2.30pm | Worship Centre (Level 3)

Our youths are our future and we want them to know God loves and accepts them for who they are – He sees and hears them, He knows them by name. The teenage years are sometimes seen as turbulent as the child gains independence in life. We walk alongside parents to journey with our youths as they grow up in an increasingly volatile, uncertain and complex world – helping them anchor their identity in Christ, and find purpose and meaning in every aspect of their lives.

Youth (Ages 13-18)

Tue, 8pm | Victory Chapel (Level 1)

The RiverLife Prayer Room is a space for anyone to come and behold Jesus through the Word, Worship and Prayer. Should you be keen to journey with a community in beholding and understanding and embodying the heart of Christ, we invite you join us on Tuesday nights.

RiverLife Prayer Room

Wed, 8pm | Victory Chapel (Level 1)
Onsite and Online at 

Our mid-week gathering is an expression of our desire to see God take His rightful place in our lives and His house. It is a time that we set apart weekly to minister unto the Lord through worship and prayer. As you commit to join us on Wed nights, we also encourage you to fast as a way of heart preparation.

RiverLife Revive Nights

Young Adults
(Monthly Gathering)

For Young Adults in their 20s.
Every 1st Sat of the month | 5pm-8.30pm

This gathering is made up of two components – Community Conversations & Communal Dinner – both with a focus on relationship building and life conversations. We invite those in their 20s to this space to connect and build community with one another.

(Monthly Gathering)

For Seniors aged 55 & above.
Every 2nd Sat of the month | 9am-12.30pm

This gathering seeks to encourage, equip and empower our seniors aged 55 & above to live purposefully in this season of their lives and leave a rich spiritual legacy for subsequent generations.